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Updated: Jan 16, 2018

These past two weeks I've had a lot of time to reflect on - well, a lot actually. It all started with a knee injury that meant no work and no exercise for 4-6 weeks. For me personally, this is huge. I love my job and I am missing the people I work with and the people I meet. I am missing the cities, the travel and all the rest. However, the thing I struggled the most with, is the no exercise! Usually, I am someone who has to do at least 5km (20-30 min) walk or run a day. It helps me keep sane. Exercise for me is a huge part of my life, not to lose weight, but for my mental health. It keeps me going, I do it because it makes me feel good inside and out.

While I am restricted from quite a few activities, I haven't been deemed 'house bound' as such. I obviously have to rest, but I have actually been encouraged to still keep my social life so I don't go completely insane. This means coffee breaks every day to get me out of the house. While being off work has been tough and mixed emotions (because I am so lucky to be in a place of work that I genuinely love), the biggest struggle for me is exercise, or lack of.

I know it seems ridiculous or selfish to hollow in self pity. Usually, I am such a positive, out-going, happy little being. So I am allowed to feel a little bit sorry for myself aren't I? It's been a challenge having to slow right down and adjust to a new routine, even though it is temporary. For many years, I remind myself daily how lucky I am, and I always write down positive affirmations and things I am grateful for, I know there are so many people out there far worse off than you and I.

I have been meditating twice a day instead of once a day. I have been doing my exercises that my Physio has given me and I am still everyday, reminding myself how lucky I am, and telling myself I'll heal in no time. No matter how much I do any of the above, I still get that urge to exercise and go for that walk or run, especially if I do stay cooped up inside. The amount of anxiety I've had in the past week, that is something I usually fix with exercise rather than meditation (anxiety blog to come). So, that has been my biggest struggle.

This little set back while it has been frustrating, in more ways than one and testing my patience and resilience - I have learnt a lot. Not so much learnt, but have been reminded. I am reminded that our bodies are a temple and we sometimes take them for granted. We live such a fast-paced busy life that we sometimes forget to slow down. I am a huge advocate of listen to your body, and I hate to admit, but I have neglected my body in the last year and a bit. I'ts been crying at me with symptoms that I ignored, that have now left me to where I am right now with this injury. It's my body screaming "slow down, take care of me".

I guess the moral of my story (this blog), while it is a great little way to vent, it is also a reminder to you all, to slow down, listen to your bodies, eat your veggies and drink your water and be thankful that your life isn't that bad. This is a little bump, that I will get over. I just need to get that positive frame of mind back and let my body heal in the time it's meant to. By the words of Paula Abdul, "two steps forward, two steps back". but I know, I'll be moving forward soon. I hope this blog as somehow inspired you.

Love, D x

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