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Wake up, kick arse, repeat

I posted a blog on my old website which I have uploaded recently on to here.

This is a follow up blog, fast forward to where I am now, January 2018. The past few months have been pretty hard for my health. Constantly run down, my iron levels are low again and, my back has decided to give in.

In the previous blog I mentioned a car accident that I was involved in, in 2014. My back suffered from that, unfortunately it just means on-going pain here and there with the odd physiotherapy appointments and little exercises, like Pilates that I do to help.

I am a flight attendant, it’s hard on your body. Harder than most people know. Between work and my previous injury, my back has decided to tell me I need to slow down. It did that by effecting my knee when I tore my meniscus. From December I was off work, exercise and high heels for 4 weeks, still having issues but had to just go on with my life as exercise and work are two things I love.

I know, I know – I am all for listening to my body. I am not pushing it. I am still not doing weights, and trying not to wear heels (to work anyway). I can’t sit or stand for too long. I am currently writing this on the plane, crammed into a window seat. My back is killing me so much just doing that.

I had 5 weeks of exercise. 5 long weeks. I am someone who needs to do my 5km a day, I need to move my body, for my physical and mental health. So I really struggled with having that time off, especially when I had a solid routine happening.

As of January 1st, I was determined to get back into it, slowly of course. Because I needed to. I eat so healthy (and in moderation) but yet when I don’t exercise and when I am stressed I put on weight. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for me to feel shit about myself and notice in the mirror and in clothes.

Now one of my fave ways to exercise is a good cycle class! When I lived in Tassie the gym I went to had amazing disco lights and a fun environment of cycle. When I moved to Queensland, I remember going to a class and it was in a small room with foul lighting and you’re crammed in with people so close either side of you. Until I can across InspireCycle, they are literally a 3 minute walk for me, which is so convenient. InspireCycle is next level. They do RnB and hip hop rides. They even do throwbacks to the 80’s AND they have disco lights!!! The environment is amazing and everyone is so inspiring and motivating. When I heard about their 6 week reboot challenge (started January 15th) I decided to join.

What better way to get back into the swing of things than a good old challenge?

I can’t wait. I will be doing weekly updates on my Instagram (@danikakrnjaic) and Instagram story highlights to keep you up to date.

If you're doing the challenge with me, or any challenge - write down your goals on a vision board, don't rely on scales, believe in yourself and remember that YOU are in control of how hard you push yourself, how bad do you want that end result? It's all up to YOU! Let's kick arse!

Inspire Cycle is located in Teneriffe, Brisbane or on the Gold Coast at Southport.

Check them out on Instagram @inspirecycle

Follow my journey through these 6 weeks, and who knows, you may join the next challenge with us?

It’s so much fun - come check it out!!

Love and light,

D x

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